Safety procedures for Covid-19
May 2020: SAE opens safely
According to the protocol signed by the Italian Government, Confindustria and Trade Unions on 24th April 2020, Sae Comunicazione Integrata allows access to its company premises following strict rules to ensure the health of its visitors and employees.
Upon entrance to our premises, the body temperature may be measured. If the temperature is lower than 37.5 °C, the acquired data and the person’s name will NOT be registered.
If the detected temperature is higher than 37.5 °C, it is necessary that SAE documents the reasons for not allowing access to its premises. Furthermore, in that case the visitor will be temporarily isolated and will receive a face mask.
Subsequently, he or she shall communicate to SAE's operator the indications received by his or her family doctor, whom in the meantime he or she will have immediately contacted. (Warning: do NOT go the hospital Emergency Room).
Upon arrival, one is required to show a self-certification demonstrating that the he or she does not have a fever and that in the last 14 days, to his or her knowledge, has not came into contact with persons who tested positive for Covid-19.
The form will be given to him or her by SAE’s secretary's office. However, the procedure will be faster for visitors who had already filled it in before
(download the form).
Upon entrance to our premises, we will explain the rules to follow regarding the required social distance between people, entry and exit routes to use and similar aspects. Detailed posters can be found at our premises, simplifying each step.
Pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation n. 2016/679 ("GDPR"), we inform you that the provided data is processed following the adoption of the regulatory protocol for measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace.
Only the data that are necessary, adequate and relevant to the prevention of infection will be collected. Upon entrance to the premises, a detailed legal information note will be given to the visitor
(see Privacy information note).